Physiotherapist | Personal Trainer | Book Author
Physiotherapist (State exam MphG)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Dt. Lymphakademie)
Manuel Therapy according Cyriax (INOMT; i.p.)
Personal Trainer (NASM Academy CA,USA)
Certified Instructor in Workplace Health Promotion in Germany (ZPP)
Book Author "Mobility Guide" ('19), "Der Gesunde Athlet" ('22/23)
Trainer A licensed in Medical Fitness (IST)
Trainer A licensed in CrossWorkouts (IST)
Certified in Functional Movement Screen (FMS)
Certified in Fundamental Capacity Screen (FCS)
Certified in AED/CPR (Red Cross, CA,USA)
– "People ironically think they need to get pain-free first before they start moving more again when it's in fact the other way around." –
– "People ironically think they need to get pain-free first before they start moving more again, when it's the other way around" –

B.Sc. Ecotrophology
Book Author "Der Gesunde Athlet" (22/23)
Fit@Work Certified Instructor (Workspace Health Promotion §20SGB V)
Executive Member of a Nutrition in Cancer Case Study
Certified in AED/CPR
– "There's no bigger fortune than being able to make one's abilities available at any time, no matter the task or challenge. Nutrition builds a solid foundation to it." –
Nutritionist | Book Author
– "People ironically think they need to get pain-free first before they start moving more again, when it's the other way around" –

Physiotherapist | Med. Psychology (in Training)
B.Sc. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapist (MPhG)
Lecturer for Physiotherapy at Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
Manual Therapist
Therapist for Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Lymphakademie Dt.)
Martial Arts Teacher (Won Hwa Do)
Book Author "Der Gesunde Athlet" ('22)
Certified in AED/CPR
– "My passion is built around learning and teaching about the human organism, its movements and its very mechanisms to live." –
Physiotherapist | Personal Trainer | Book Author